Heartwood Regional Theater Company

‘Hamlet’ : Final four performances this week

Mon, 07/31/2023 - 5:00pm

Story Location:
81 Academy Hill Road
Newcastle, ME 04553
United States

    To be there – or not to be there? The answer: “yes!” Heartwood Theater’s production of “Hamlet” - the greatest play ever written, is a must-see, with a gorgeous set and modern costumes, beautiful lights and soundscape – and incredible acting by a well-cast, strong ensemble, in the black-box space of the Parker B. Poe Theater. 

    Opening weekend audiences leapt to their feet, with thunderous applause.  The most frequently heard exiting comment was, “This is the first time I think I’ve been able to understand Shakespeare!”

    For those familiar with Heartwood, this high quality is to be expected.  For those new to the area, a delightful surprise awaits, with this exceptional theater experience, right here in the Midcoast.

    Shakespeare fans know there are precious few opportunities to experience live performances, making this a real treat.  For those new to Shakespeare, this production’s fast pace and attention not only to the language, but also very much the character relationships, make for a fantastic introduction.

    Students are coming out in large numbers, along with more seasoned audience members, to experience Shakespeare, leaving with surprised and joyous responses – a rare opportunity to fully experience the Bard’s special skills, in the hands of director, Griff Braley, and this dedicated cast.  

    Audiences are swelling, for the four remaining evening performances, beginning at 7:30pm in the Poe Theater at Lincoln Academy Aug. 2 – 5.  Material is suitable for mature middle school students and older; no babies or young children admitted.  Reservations strongly recommended: info@heartwoodtheater.org or 563-1373.  Full details available at www.heartwoodtheater.org.