From the assistant editor

What to say

Wed, 06/01/2022 - 9:00am

For an opinion or observation this week, all I think of each one I consider mentioning is, what is the point of saying it here. The Uvalde, Texas school slayings as, according to New York Post, the killer played sad music and help entered the room an hour-plus later, did not happen here; as we learn time and again, school shootings can happen anywhere, though, and even if it never happens again anywhere – oh, please let that be true – this one, as the others, has upset and been on the minds of people across America, in vigils, Facebook posts and more.

So I have nothing to contribute that others have not said already in the media and social media; but I do want to commend Wiscasset Superintendent of Schools Terry Wood’s swift, thoughtful writing of a letter to families. Wood said the department shares in the heartbreak, shock and sadness; and will continue to offer a safe, secure environment, and that counselors were available for those needing extra support.

With the letter, Wood shared National Association of School Psychologists’ tips for helping children after acts of violence have occurred: Reaffirm to students the school’s safety and review safety procedures with them, monitor their emotional state, keep a normal routine and “make time to talk.”

I hope us grownups are doing the same as we struggle to grasp what happened last week and go about our routines, just as we have amid other crises this spring, including Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and a gunman’s massacre at a Buffalo, New York supermarket. I could say it matters how we vote, because it does, but it has been said again and again and, today, at press time a week after the Texas killings, I am a little disbelieving that another voice from Wiscasset or Maine will tip the scales for change.

I’m going to say it, anyway, I’ve decided. At any level of voting, national on down, whichever ballot question or candidate you believe or theorize or hope will help schoolchildren and help protect them, start voting that way, and/or keep voting that way.