From the editor

Phew, that’s over!

Wed, 06/29/2022 - 8:45am

In addition to putting items on our websites 365 days a year and gathering news for print 52 weeks a year, we also plan, execute and publish five special publications from January through late May/early June: Health & Wellness, Home & Landscapes, Summertime, Windjammer Days guide and Dining Guide. It takes a team effort and I think we did a splendid job this year. Thanks for the compliments we have received about the publications.

Our online sister newspaper, Pen Bay Pilot, also publishes a couple of printed guides, put together by their staff and our production department: The spring/summer Wave and the fall/winter Wave. The latter guide will be done sometime in September.

The Windjammer Days, Summertime and Dining guides have been included in recent issues of the newspaper and have been distributed to various businesses in the region, as well as at other locations outside the region. Be sure to pick up your copies if you haven’t done so already.

There is no rest for the weary and we have already begun gathering ideas for articles to be included in the 2023 editions of these special supplements. Feel free to let us know your ideas for articles. Send them to or

Thank you to all the advertisers who make these special publications possible and we hope you benefit from using our guides to promote your business.

Enjoy the rest of the summer and be safe out there.