Kids know love

Wed, 01/04/2023 - 8:45am

A while back, I collected a series of kids’ responses to the question, “What does love mean?” Some of the answers were quite profound.

Rebecca, age 8, said her grandfather paints her grandmother’s toenails because she can’t bend over anymore due to arthritis.

Billy, age 4, said love is when someone says your name, you know that it is love coming out of their mouth.

This is a fun one. Karl, age 5, said that love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on aftershave and they smell each other.

Chrissy, age 6, said sharing fries and not expecting the other person to share theirs.

Terri, age 4, said love is smiling when you’re tired.

Observant Danny, age 8, said his mother tastes the coffee she made for his dad to make sure it tastes OK.

Wonder if Bobby, age 7, still listens … as love is the noise when everyone is opening Christmas presents.

Nikka, age 6, is right on when he said, to love better, you should start with a person you hate.

Tommy, age 6, said love is seeing an older couple being friendly to each other even when they’ve been together for a long time.

Clare, age 6, loves that her mother kisses her to sleep at night.

Mary Ann, age 4, knows that when a puppy licks your face after being alone all day, he is showing love.

A response from Karen, age 7, said your eyelashes go up and down a little when seeing someone you love.

Jessica, age 8, has it right. “You really shouldn't say 'I love you' unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot.”

Out of the mouths of babes!