Julia! What a show at Brady’s!
The July 17 benefit show for the Ed and Candie Crocker family featuring “American Idol” top 7 performer Julia Gagnon was a success beyond belief. Folks attending were treated to her unbelievable singing and original songs created by both Julia and her fiancé Nate. The Crockers lost their Edgecomb home to a fire on June 3
The show started with the cover song “Alfie” and was followed by two original songs, “If you Stop Swimming You’ll Drown” and “Unlikely.” Everyone in the audience was moved by Julia’s range of voice and her ability to connect with her audience. Many people were stunned her in person appearance completely outshined her national television performances on “American Idol.”
Julia spoke to the crowd and spent time individually with most of the guests. She signed cards created for the occasion, and for many, it was considered her rookie card. Both she and Nate were gracious, humble, and clearly enjoyed the afternoon as they continued to share stories of how they met, Julia’s “American Idol” journey and how they are thrilled to be able to share their passion with so many people.
Matt James was on hand from 92Moose to act as official MC and kept the crowd entertained during Julia’s break. He was somewhat bullied into preforming one of his well-known ad lib rap tunes created by Chat Bot AI, an artificial intelligence app which will write a rap tune about anything in 10 seconds. He and the app outdid themselves as he belted out “Come to Boothbay Harbor Where the Lobsters Play.” There are reports the Chamber of Commerce has requested he repeat his performance for the official rap song of Boothbay Harbor!
Julia and Nate rounded out their show with a few more originals and then she gave the crowd an amazing rendition of “Midnight Train to Georgia,” ending her show with “Ain’t No Way.” The standing ovation was proof Julia is a voice to be reckoned with and her path to success has begun here in Maine.
The success of this fundraiser is a complete tribute to the community as a whole and the hard work of numerous volunteers. Darrell Gudroe (absolutely wouldn’t have happened without him!), Renee Beck, David Gruber, Paula Reny Warford, David Warford, Andy McDougall, Janice and Bob Cotier, Chef John Assendorf, Laura Perkins, Long Island Jessie, Jackie Dunne-Helinksi, Kathleen Hallinan, the entire Brady’s crew, and, of course, Momma T!
The event raised over $10,000 and gave everyone an afternoon to leave their troubles behind.
Cheers to everyone!