Don’t vote yes on April 24
Dear Editor:
At their March 27 workshop, CSD School Trustees were informed by Supt. Bob Kahler that the CSD is considering applications to the Maine Major Capital School Construction Project funding program for both Boothbay Region Elementary School and Boothbay Region High School. Applications for this funding opportunity were last open during the 2017/2018 school year, and close again on Aug. 30.
This is great news for the towns of Boothbay and Boothbay Harbor. While competition for these funds is fierce, projects are chosen based on the level of disrepair and inadequacy of instructional spaces. All of the assessment work done to date will be incredibly helpful in putting together our best possible grant application.
As a minimum receiver SAU, our school could only expect a maximum of perhaps 20 - 30% of project funding from the state of Maine. But, as we previously had operated under the belief that the SAU was not eligible for any state funds at all at current budget levels, even 20% funding is very welcome news!
It’s imperative that voters understand that voting yes on the April 24 bond question will render us ineligible for state funds. I know folks are getting frustrated with the pace of renovation and repairs, but I believe we have a responsibility to pursue all available funding sources before we take on such a tremendous debt.
Desiree Scorcia