letter to the editor

Re: Route 27 landscaping

Mon, 03/05/2018 - 3:30pm

    Dear Editor:

    The article about Route 27 landscaping stated an admirable goal: a design reflecting the community’s history and natural surroundings.

    That being the case, why would anyone suggest “prosopsis trees?” Spell check doesn't even recognize what they are. Allow me to enlighten anyone else who may be scratching her head. These are mesquite trees. They are no more native than Saguaro cacti, nor do they in any way reflect our history and natural surroundings. May I suggest bayberry (Myrica) as being far more suitable and completely in line with the stated goal?

    Moreover, I shudder at the thought of a Colorado blue spruce in the center of the roundabout, unless it's a dwarf form. The standard tree would very soon outgrow the space and impede sight lines. However, even a dwarf form would likely not long withstand the splash of winter salt. Would not a dwarf form of an evergreen that has a proven ability to withstand such conditions — our native white spruce — be far more suitable?

    A landscape firm worth its consulting fee should have known better.

    Virginia Rickeman
