letter to the editor

Making honesty and humanity prevail

Tue, 08/29/2017 - 11:30am

Dear Editor:

There has been a lot of hand wringing over KKK flyers being tossed around the Midcoast and disclaimers that that is not who we are. I want to be very clear, as long as we support a president who calls Neo-Nazis, KKK sympathizers, white supremacists and others who carry torches and chant Jews will not replace us, "some very fine people," we are complicit in these kinds of activities. The administration’s actions to change the subject to the issue of Confederate monument removal is clever, cynical or disingenuous at best. Monuments are not the salient issue. The rising up of angry racist white, mostly men, fearful of a nation as diverse as ours is a travesty of "what America stands for."

Only by speaking out against such actions and protesting with body and mind against them will honesty and humanity prevail. We have seen this in history before and we, as Americans, should be shamed that such activities are happening here and now after we, as a people, have struggled so hard to overcome the bigotry that lurks in the corners of our nation.

Bonnie Ginger