letter to the editor

Support the Gardens

Tue, 08/29/2017 - 7:00am

Dear Editor:

I think it's time for people to come out and support CMBG in their efforts in improving the economic climate here on the peninsula. Not only have they provided good-paying jobs, but have extended the visitor season here with Gardens Aglow. I know the restaurants, B&Bs, and hotels have benefited from the existence of CMBG. It's a shame that a few NIMBYS, who up to this point had a town supported private road to themselves have to share it now, keep complaining about it.

If you look the history of water quality of Kinckerbocker Lake, the big change came when the town allowed people to build new and convert camps to year round housing. Trying to make a scapegoat of CMBG for water quality is disingenuous, when the problem now and the future are the lawns, septic systems, and driveways of the year round homes that ring the ponds.

We need attractions like CMBG with good-paying jobs to keep our young people here and our school enrollment sustained.

Lee M. Thompson