letter to the editor

Remembering Ted Williams

Wed, 04/19/2017 - 9:15am

Dear Editor:

I am still in Pittsburgh under the watchful eye of daughter, St. Ellen. Your editorial on baseball (April 6) kicked in some wonderful baseball memories circa 1940. Fenway Park was a regular weekend hangout for me and my buddies. We bought 50 cent seats in the bleachers right behind the bullpen. I remember the day the Red Sox played a game, maybe a doubleheader, when they ran out of relievers. Help was needed on the mound and they pulled Ted Williams out of left field to finish the game. I am dragging up an incident from my memory bank that occurred over 75 years ago so details are a little fuzzy, including who won the game. But you are right, he was an outstanding player and an outstanding person.

Ted volunteered to join the Navy V5 training program and ended up as a marine aviator. I never met him although I was part of the V5 program, about two months behind Williams. I elected to stay in the Navy, perhaps influenced by my Dad's Navy time early in the 20th century. It was then a propeller Navy. Ted was recalled about 1950 during the Korean conflict and was retrained in jet aircraft. Again, details are a bit fuzzy, but during an attempted jet landing, something went terribly wrong and Williams crashed in flames. Luck was with him and he survived with minimal personal damage. He returned to baseball and immortality.

Walter "Scotty" Scott

Boothbay Harbor and Pittsburgh