Make your voice heard

Fri, 03/17/2017 - 9:00am
Dear Editor:
     The White House budget proposal now before Congress is an astonishingly bold document: While adding hundreds of billions of dollars to the national deficit, it reduces funding for the State Department and the Environmental Protection Agency by almost one-third, the Justice Department by 20 percent, and the Education Department by 14 percent.  Offsetting these Draconian cuts is a 52.3 billion dollar increase for the Department of Defense, whose budget is already greater than that of the next nine largest spending militaries in the world combined: China, Saudi Arabia, Russia, United
Kingdom, India, France, Japan, Germany, and South Korea. Six of those nine are our allies.
    I have let Senators King and Collins, as well as Representative Pingree, know what I think of this presidential audacity, and I invite you to do the same by calling the Congressional operator at (202) 225-
Bill Hammond