Letter to the Editor

Take down the sign

Tue, 09/06/2016 - 7:30am

Dear Editor:

I request that the person responsible for the billboard, across from The First clock, remove this sign as a matter of basic civility. “Black Guns Matter” is a crass slogan that contributes nothing of any value, on any topic, let alone to the public discourse on the merits of the Second Amendment. To my view, it is barely veiled racism that utterly dismisses the real concerns and dreadful experiences of families, and communities suffering and grieving for the loss of loved ones victimized by circumstances that are unimaginable to us as we live our comparatively safe Boothbay lives.

Certainly one has a right to express one’s opinion openly. It is one thing, however, to tout political diatribes on a T-shirt or a bumpersticker or even tattooed on one’s forehead but altogether a different thing to place such an inflammatory message boldly and anonymously to be viewed by one’s entire community and its diversity of tourists.

This particular message is not a voicing of an opinion as much as an assault on the thoughts and sensitivities of all of us who have no choice but to absorb the blow as we drive down the local street. The billboard owner, I believe, bears a responsibility to this community, where “Perfectly Maine” along with - Stay - Eat - Play - are the attributes and collective goals we aspire to engender?

I ask the sign maker — how much enthusiasm would you reserve for a town that seems to endorse a point of view antithetical to your sense of justice, or personal value by way of a prominent banner — GUNS NOT WELCOMED HERE, for example? Consider then, that even as your brash slogan does not represent a consensus of this community, its dark message is imposed upon everyone who lives here or has chosen to spend their tourist dollars here.

Please remove this sign, if not because of its taunting and strident sentiment, than for the simple reason that it shadows the sincerity of the welcome that the Boothbay region extends to our visitors from around the world.

Ray Menard
East Boothbay