Letter to the Editor

Seeing is believing

Tue, 07/07/2015 - 8:15am

    Dear Editor:

    While faith is based on what cannot be seen, most other things in life are based on what we can see. A recent article on how a grandson saved his grandma’s ability to see things was great and I have been wondering if I should send it forward to my grandson to inspire him to create a sight-saving invention. Today there are new “see through” trucks on the road so drivers know what might be coming down the road before they start to pass. When I think of these sight-saving inventions I wonder why so much disinformation continues to fly about social media and in standard comments on newspaper opinions.

    For example, I have a kind, intelligent friend — a father and grandfather — who began telling me something about the minimum wage that was a standard Koch brothers talking point and absolutely inaccurate statement. The facts are contained in federal law beginning in 1938 when the Fair Labor Standards Act was enacted including minimum wage standards to be applied to employees 20 years and older. That has remained in the law through today. In short it was never intended for teens. The point here is when someone gives you talking points to use, a wise person would check out their veracity before they start spreading inaccurate statements. Look at the law before you tear it down. Look at the facts and history on the Department of Labor site before you try to kill all the labor laws that kept this country growing in GDP for more than 22 years as wages raised when cost of living increased.

    If seeing is believing then look at the economic results where minimum wages have increased and the negative results when they stopped increasing. Who benefits from wage suppression and workers on welfare? U.S. economy relies on buying power to grow. Suppressed minimum wages reduces buying power. Open your eyes and see the facts. Seeing is believing and we need to increase minimum wages.

    Jarryl Larson
