Letter to the Editor

Town of Edgecomb Woodend Fund

Tue, 05/12/2015 - 3:30pm

Dear Editor:

As you are aware, I originally proposed utilizing the Woodend Fund to help build up our surplus fund. This Saturday, we have the opportunity to determine how the Woodend Fund is utilized to best impact our community’s needs. I strongly support the Woodend — surplus fund proposal. The Woodend Fund was originally developed to build a boat launch. Yet, the town is surrounded by communities that offer boat launches. Edgecomb does not have a police force, highway department or paid harbor master, any of which would be responsible for the maintenance, security and liability of a launch area. Therefore, I urge you and your neighbor attend town meeting to help determine the feasibility of the Woodend Fund and how it will affect Edgecomb.

Jack Sarmanian, Chairman

Board of Selectmen