And the beat goes on

Fri, 01/30/2015 - 9:30am

The Boothbay Region Health and Wellness Foundation is a grassroots, community based organization that was chartered to work with the residents of the Boothbay Region to identify health and wellness needs.

We support and sponsor local organizations that can meet those needs with affordable and accessible local solutions. Although we did not prevail in our efforts to retain an ER and local hospital, we will gain 12 skilled nursing beds at St. Andrews Village. We will continue to meet regularly with LincolnHealth and to advocate on behalf of the four communities on our peninsula.

In addition, in 2014 we organized and carried out the following initiatives:

Disaster Preparedness Day. Over 50 people held meaty discussions in three locations with our emergency responders, including police and fire, ambulance, EMA, Red Cross, and Triad on Dec. 8, 2014. As a follow up, we’ve set up meetings with the management of both Campbell Creek apartments and Bay Landings’ apartments to discuss ways to mitigate the fact that neither of these large complexes, with many vulnerable seniors, has a generator, so when there’s a power outage, the residents lose heat as well as lights.

Empowered Patients. Under the leadership of Dr. Steve Cook, 20 people have formed a Study Group in October that has been meeting regularly at the Boothbay Harbor Memorial Library. The group is learning to organize and understand medical records, do medical research, and communicate and coordinate effectively with clinicians. Now we’re ready to teach others what we’ve learned.

Walking at the Y. About 30 seniors, with an average age of 73, have collectively walked 13,000-laps on the YMCA track this year, with an average of 1.5 miles per person per session twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The YMCA welcomes any seniors — whether members or not to improve their health and wellness by participating in this program.

Educational Programs. We’ve held 10 “Third Thursday” educational events. Highlights include: Forums on Patient Empowerment with Dave deBronkart and Dr. Steve Cook, Antibiotic Resistance with Dr. Judy Stone, and Portion Control with Dimsie Clark. In addition, we have sponsored workshops led by local patients and practitioners. for the purpose of designing the future of healthcare on our peninsula

Awesome Seniors. We’ve formed a proactive support network of seniors helping seniors, so that people who live alone on our peninsula have more of the services they need in order to thrive in their homes.

Timebanking. We’ve launched a “give an hour, get an hour” program through Time Banks of Maine to encourage people who don’t like to ask for help to log the many volunteer hours they invest in helping others in our community and to gain needed services in return. To sign up, go to to fill in your application and then come to an orientation the second or fourth Friday of each month at 3:30 p.m. at the Boothbay Town Office or we’ll schedule an orientation at your convenience.

We are proud of the partnerships we have formed this year with the YMCA, the Boothbay Harbor Memorial Library, the Boothbay Region Community Resources Council, Friends in Service Helping (FISH), Eldercare Network of Lincoln County, Spectrum Generations, CEI, the Boothbay Region Ambulance Service, and even with LincolnHealth, as we all work together to improve the wellness and vitality of the 7,000 people who live in the Boothbay region year-round as well as our 17,000 seasonal residents, many of whom have multi-generational ties to our region.

What’s next for 2015?

Boothbay Region Health Center. We’d like your help creating a patient-designed and governed integrated primary care/behavioral health clinic on our peninsula. We plan to establish a new healthcare system under local governance to serve the needs of the people of the Boothbay region with a collaborative healthcare team of physicians, nurses, and allied health professionals working in partnership with patients and other community health services. Our object is to provide comprehensive primary care, a patient compass program, community health education, mental health, behavioral health and substance abuse services, dental care, and local access to specialists.

Empowered Patients. Our empowered patient program is a core building block for improved health and wellness. We’ll provide public workshops with education and coaching the second Sunday of each month at 2 p.m. at the Boothbay Harbor Library. You’ll learn how to collaborate more effectively with your healthcare team and how to be an effective advocate for your family members.

Village-to-Village? Our Awesome Seniors committee is exploring whether to join the Village-to-Village Network or to go it alone as we evolve our Awesome Seniors program to provide a full array of support services for our local seniors, including concierge services for coordinating home and healthcare, supporting the activities of daily living, promoting community engagement, and providing a 24-hr. safety net. Our next meeting is Friday, February 6 at 2 p.m. at the Boothbay Town Office. Please join us!

Boothbay Region Holistic Health Group. Did you know that we have over 50 holistic health practitioners on our peninsula? From yoga to Reiki to personal training, nutrition, counseling, meditation, nutrition, and many other wellness disciplines. We want our peninsula to become “The Destination for Wellness in Maine,” and to promote the many talented practitioners we have.

A Matter of Balance. Mary Baudo, the YMCA’s former Wellness Coach, has offered to provide this course free of charge under the auspices of the Foundation. For those who are afraid of falling and therefore restrict their activities, this course provides the tools for us to increase our balance and flexibility and therefore increase our activity levels. This free course will be offered from March 2-30 on Mondays and Wednesdays from 9 to 10:30 am at the Boothbay Town Office.

And — A Valentine's Day Celebration. Mark your calendars for Saturday, Feb. 14 to join us from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Boothbay Fire House for a heartfelt community celebration, with a potluck supper and a live auction. Bring yourself, your family, and something yummy for the table. If you would like to help with our fundraiser, take a trip to the attic and pull out an heirloom, collectible, or something neat to be auctioned off. We will also be sharing a preview of our 2015 Initiatives — come join the discussion and the fun!