TimeBanking on the Boothbay peninsula

Tue, 09/02/2014 - 2:00pm

Nobody likes to ask for help. Yet, all of us enjoy lending a hand. It’s human nature to want to give of yourself to others. What do you already do? Pick up groceries for a shut in? Drive someone to a doctor’s appointment? Babysit for a friend? Take someone’s dog for a walk when a neighbor or friend is away all day? Spend time helping with church activities? Volunteer at the library or the used book store? Help out at the food pantry? Chop wood for others? Work in the community garden? Support a political candidate by making calls or hosting a party?

Why not earn reciprocal services for yourself or for someone in your circle, by posting all your volunteer hours at MaineTime.TimeBanks.org?

Here’s how it works: For each hour you spend giving of yourself, you earn reciprocal hours. You can use those hours yourself for services you need, or you can give them to someone who may need them more than you do. Each hour is of equal value. It’s not a barter system, because there is no guarantee that you will get services in return. That means that these exchanges of time and services are free will and not taxable.

TimeBank of Maine is now active on the Boothbay peninsula. The Wellness Foundation’s “Awesome Seniors” group is the first set of locals who are signing up and swapping services. But we don’t want to limit TimeBanking on the Boothbay peninsula to seniors helping seniors. We want all of our many active volunteers to enjoy the benefits of earning TimeBank credits while continuing to do good. So, if you drive for FISH, volunteer at the YMCA, help out at the Land Trust, or simply help your neighbor, consider joining our TimeBank. The more of us are involved, the more comfortable people will be in asking for the help and services they need.

Once you’ve registered, been approved, and attended a one-hour orientation, you log your “volunteer” hours. You can offer services and request reciprocal services. You can even earn hours for others to use. You can give service hours to others in need. Sign up today! Go to http://mainetime.timebanks.org/user/register. Or, if you’re not a computer user, we’ll be your “computer buddy,” get you registered and enter your hours and your service requests.

For more information, call Patty Seybold at 207-633-4368. Patty is now our local TimeBank coordinator for the Boothbay peninsula. She will take your information, answer your questions, and get you started.