Boothbay planning board tables 2 applications, approves 1

Fri, 10/20/2023 - 8:00am

The Boothbay Planning Board tabled two applications Oct. 18. Independent Designer Randy Smith and Jason Davis of Maine Coast Contracting represented their clients Karen Laliberte and John Niles of East Boothbay. The applicants are seeking to expand a structure’s area and volume. Smith described the non-conforming structure as a three-story building with five bedrooms and three bathrooms. The project calls for renovating “an aging structure.” The board requested a revised survey pertaining to the high-annual tide mark. The Ocean Point Road property is in a residential and coastal residential shoreland zone. 

Guy Peaslee’s request to change a subdivision line was the second tabled application. Peaslee’s subdivision is on Townline Road. The board asked him to include more information on the survey. His property is the Moose Ridge Subdivision. The property is in a residential zone.

In other action, the board unanimously approved Kenneth Barter’s request to rebuild a 50-foot wharf and dock system on Barters Island Road. There is no structure on his property except for the current wharf, but Monroe has a building on an adjacent property. His Barters Island Road property is in a residential and coastal residential zone.

Prior to the meeting, Renee Fales was elevated from an alternate to a full board member. She replaces Peggy Kotin, who recently resigned for personal reasons. The board meets next at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 15 in the conference room.

This article has been updated from its original posting.