Boothbay Harbor Rotary Club

Mon, 09/26/2022 - 8:00am

Thank You Darrell Goodroe for another fun and challenging Trivia Night, our first since the pandemic. There was fierce competition, many attempts to trick one another (not that hard really) despite one correct answer broadcasted enthusiastically out loud. After all the toting furniture and moving stuff in the barn it was good to know we could still think and remember things. But, in the end there was a tie for the team with the best memory for Trivia. But, again it’s the friendship and fun that was the big prize.

This week we are welcoming Connie Hartley from the Maine Maritime Museum in Bath. We are all so proud of our maritime heritage and history in Boothbay Harbor. The Maine Maritime Museum brings it to life. Come hear the plans and direction for this wonderful museum and resource.

We will also be welcoming back our Maine to Spain Rotary Exchange travelers. We look forward to hearing about their trip during Happy Dollars.

The bicycle loan program is winding down,along with summer. Bikes for summer workers can be returned on Saturday from 9 to 11:30 a..m. till Oct. 15 and Thursdays from 5:30 to 6 p.m. till Oct. 13.

Save the date: Thursday, Oct. 6 is the first-ever Oktoberfest at the Rotary Club. Come dressed in your lederhosen or dirndl skirt, or any other festive German attire. There’ll be beer, pretzels, games and beer. Also German food and, of course, lots of fun. Of course friends and family are welcome. Hope to see you there.

The Railway Village needs volunteers: Call Lori Reynolds at the Railway Village to help with: Family Harvest Day - Oct. 1; Fall Foliage Festival - Oct. 8 and 9; and Halloween Spooktacular - Oct. 29.

Our club has volunteered to have a table at the Spooktacular. Get you scary costume and cackle ready.

The big, gray Rotary Barn is still open every Saturday from 8:30 to 11 a.m. We stayed open even in December the last two years. Hopefully we can again this year. We are still taking donations of gently used furniture, pots/pans, rugs, glasses, tools, boats, just about anything. Call or Text Deb at 207-380-3550 to arrange pick up or drop off.

Family, friends, visiting Rotarians, community members are always welcome at our weekly meetings, Thursday at 6 p.m. at 66 Montgomery Road.