letter to the editor

What a crew!

Mon, 10/18/2021 - 2:15pm

Dear Editor:

Re: Joe Gelarden’s “If They Build It, They Will Come…” column on Harbor Theater’s reopening Oct. 1.

Highest kudos go to board member Bruce Harris who rounded up a community of skilled artisans to pull off what was a six-month renovation project. Bruce’s roll call included: Brad Buckley (carpenter), David Murray (carpenter), Tony Dell'Aquila w/Design Acoustics (new sound boards), Scott Smith (handyman), Jason Campbell (handyman), Mark Lincoln (electrician), Bill the Plumber, Arsenault Plumbing, Richard Bissett (carpenter), Bill Mansfield (carpenter), Doug Dickinson (painter), Mike Reynolds (handyman), Joe St. George (custodial), Adam w/Twin City Lock and Key (door hardware), Martha Cowdrey (interior CAD design).

Other board members and theater principals helping included: Michael Tomko,(Design Consultation), Robin Jordan (cleaning and painting), Robert Jordan (vital last-minute carpentry, sound/projection engineering), Jeff Long, (accounting, last-minute jobs), Helen Meserve, Head of the Re-opening Committee, Joe St. George (New concession set up), Lisa Perry (Theater Manager on top of everything for 18 months while theater was closed) – now tackling program management, Vikki Bell, new theater manager.

What a crew!

We are ever grateful!

Hamilton Meserve

Board Chair

Harbor Theater