From the assistant editor

Picking up

Wed, 04/21/2021 - 9:00am

Stay hydrated and watch for ticks, all you volunteer roadside picker uppers in Westport Island and Alna. It is getting warmer in this second pandemic spring and yet you have given or have signed up to give your time. May the trash bags open easily and you find more recyclables than trash.

These and other roadside cleanups underway are one more sign to stack upon many others showing life goes on and, though the pandemic has forced new methods and precautions, people are not deterred from volunteering. The cleanups are continuing with and beyond Earth Week this week. If you are not walking the roads, gloved as you look for discarded items, help the environment in other ways.

Minimize the plastic in your life.

Watch for turkeys, turtles and other wildlife in the road. Keep yourself safe first, but if you can spare a feathered or other life, so much the better.

And don’t toss your fast food bags and wrappers, soda bottles, plastic bags from stores, or other trash out the car window. It endangers wildlife who go check it out and could get hit or get caught up in the trash. 

Happy Earth Day April 22, and Earth Week. How about an Earth Year? Wouldn’t that be nice?