American Legion Post 36

Tue, 06/30/2020 - 7:45am

Our traditional breakfasts are back! We have had two successful breakfasts and while the feedback from everyone has been great, we still learn each time how to improve them. Some changes we have implemented due to the pandemic actually make some of the processes more efficient and will likely remain after this “crisis” is over. The serving line, for example, is likely to continue. Not used at the past two breakfasts are the picnic tables that are set up outside. One comment I received from a guest who was leaving said, “if I knew they were there, I would have preferred to eat outside.” One problem is that they are set up on the grass and blocked by the parked cars. So, a possible change for the next breakfast will be cars parking on the grass with a blocked off section on the parking lot for the picnic tables. Parking on the grass will actually allow many more convenient parking spots. Of course, weather will be a factor for this to happen. As requested in a previous article, the Legion is looking for donated picnic tables in good condition.

National and State American Legion recommendation to all Posts is to keep the 2019/2020 slate of officers for the 2020/2021 period. Post 36 will comply to that direction but due to the resignation of 4 of the 2019/2020 officers, the Commander has nominated and the officers at the 23 June officers meeting approved the following new officers: Post Service Officer – Ed Harmon; Americanism Officer – Chris Armstead; Chaplain – Al Sirois; and Sgt-At-Arms nomination has been approved but as of this writing has not accepted. So, I am excited to have these new officers on board and helping us lead the Post through these unchartered waters ahead.

Want a patriotic mask? You can donate $10 and get a patriotic mask and 2 raffle tickets for a gorgeous poppy quilt. Masks/Raffle tickets are available at the Legion Hall (call in advance), Coastal Popcorn, Hawkes, and Farm 23.

At that officers meeting, it was decided to moving forward with a limited Yard Sale on Sept. 12. This, of course, will depend on CDC guidance. The Yard Sale will be primarily for the Legion, with others in the community provided the opportunity to buy space as well. As the Post has gone through its renovations, there are a number of items that are no longer of use and will be sold at the Yard Sale along with donated items as in the past. But, we will be offering many of these items over the next several months as well. For example, we have over 30 padded wooden folding chairs, 25 plastic chairs, and over 300 wooden 5-foot flag poles available. They will be on display and available to be bought at each of our breakfasts as well. If interested in any of these, call the Post.

Mark on your calendars July 12, our next breakfast.