letter to the editor

Governor Cuomo is an inspiration

Mon, 03/30/2020 - 4:00pm

Dear Editor:

In a time of our nation when great leadership seems AWOL, New York Gov. Cuomo is delivering great leadership in spades. Compassionate, personal, professional, factual, honest, dynamic leadership. I write this because it’s literally important to my personal mental health to listen to him; perhaps others would experience the same effect, so I’m waving a flag to say “this is worth your time to hear.”

His daily briefs are a factual update from the epicenter of our COVID-19 crisis. His honest data presentation, his interpretations of the current situation and the projected near-future, his honest explanations of the failings of our Federal agencies, and appeals for humane actions by everyone, New Yorker or just plain American, reach into my heart and give me a grounded sense of hope. It’s a calming effect of hearing the truth, no matter how dire. Watching excellence in action is inspiring. My hat is off to this great man.

Dwight Swisher
