Southport Column: A poem to celebrate Janet and Oliver

Tue, 09/03/2019 - 7:30am

With September comes some good-bye’s. First to Janet and Oliver Cusano who have more than earned their retirement as owners of our Island Store, but who we will greatly miss. I understand they have some travel planned, something they could do little of as store owners. Have fun you two. As a send-off, Susan Quimby wrote, printed, and framed the following ode:

This is an ode to the Southport General Store

To breakfast pizza, delicious baked treats and so much more

For Janet and Oliver we have nothing but praise

In fall, winter, spring and on long summer days

And for our addiction to cinnamon donuts there is really no cure

They are there from morning, noon, to night

Just don’t order a pizza too late—or there might be a fight! (not really)

Here’s to Burger Day on Thursday

Though every day’s a feast-day

And we love Oliver’s Wine Room—with vintages both full-bodied and light

So let us all raise a glass of good cheer

And toast to our intrepid owners so dear

Although your leaving we all hate

May your next adventures be great

But forgive us if we shed a collective tear

(Though never fear—we’ll still see you on Southport all year!)

With Labor Day passed, Cozy’s Dockside is planning their closing date of Sept. 8. Just a few more days to drop by there for a hamburger, a milkshake, or some fried fish.

One event not going away soon, but will be coming down the end of the month is June Elderkin’s paintings on display in the Upstairs Gallery at the Opera House. Even if you are not in the building for a performance, you can see the show from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. Tuesday - Friday.

Off for a great adventure are Jane and John Lunt. Since their granddaughter, Tessa, is studying at the University of Copenhagen this semester, they are off first to visit that city and see Tessa. Then they will barge through canals in Alsace Lorraine, in France, ending up their time abroad with a visit to Normandy. Travel well and have fun.

The room at the American Legion Hall was full last Saturday morning as we said a formal “good-bye’”to Ralva Orchard. The time opened and closed with Ralva’s favorite hymns. Pastor Roberts spoke of her well-lived life as did a family member and several of the folks gathered there. I especially like Ramona’s comment when she reminded folks, with some exaggeration, that during the Tuesday gatherings at the Southport Memorial Library, she, Joan Britton, and Ralva solved everyone’s problems.

I am always so delighted when I find news for this column in the green envelope just inside the door to the Island Store, but rarely does that occur. This week, Bingo!. I reached in and pulled out the following note. I am not sure whether it comes from our Harbor Master or from someone who discovered this information the hard way, i.e. with a ticket from the Coast Guard, but the message is kayak and paddle boarders are now required by the Coast Guard, and they are checking, to wear life jackets.

Lastly a request. Kit and I have found two birds, totally without any markings of duress or distress, one dead, but still warm, and one panting in the grass in our front yard who soon died. I think they may be sparrows. Does anyone know what may have happened to them? I do not want this to become an epidemic. Thanks.