Sprucewold Column: Visitors, leaders and more

Tue, 08/13/2019 - 11:30am

Driving along Crest Avenue this past week required passing a multitude of parked cars marking family gatherings at cabins. It reminded us how as Sprucewold families lives have changed over past decades. Offspring have settled widely, from Florida to California. Generations have aged so that walking is eschewed by many--dictated by prudence. With Kathryn's family re-located in Boston in June, we've managed to have five cars in our drive much of the past two weeks, with an occasional addition when nieces/cousins from East Boothbay visit.

Thanks to a coalition of good weather, the annual association meetings and family celebrations, this past week proved a period peak for Sprucewolders to be in residence. The beach and cabin decks were frequently crowded. We had nine at our cabin — others reported higher numbers at their homes. Many gatherings were enriched by recollections of those whose cabins near their 100th birthday or who recall childhood experiences since the 1940s. Over 100 attended the Saturday evening potluck supper on Linekin Heights' Green.

Some highlights gleaned from these days include quorums at the Beach Club and Sprucewold Associations at which members were happy to vote budgets with no change in dues, approve renewed terms for most officers and directors, and the addition of some new leadership. Elisa Goldsmith remains at the helm of the Beach. Officers besides Elisa are: Carole Gonzales - vice president, Holly Fischer - treasurer, and Pat Thompson - secretary.

Susan Goodell continues as president for the Sprucewold Association. Her admirable work has included maintaining updates about preparations for the rebirth of the Lodge, beginning with a planned opening of the Dining Room for Memorial Day, 2020. Presidents of these two associations, living here earliest as youngsters, no doubt enjoyed the presence of parents at these meetings, Sprucewolders who had preceded them in their posts.

Other leaders continue. Ralph Kimball for the Association (now secretary and Firewise safety leader) and Sandy Young (long steward for water enjoyment as beach and harbor master) who continue to guide and organize important resources for our nature's gift of tree and water. Part of their tasks includes maintaining links with our town and state institutions. We are also lucky for Maine residents, Ernie LaBelle and Dan Beale, who serve as clerks for the associations as required by Maine law.

At the two meetings on Saturday modest changes of leadership occurred. Larry Yaeger, for example, after being recognized for his five years as treasurer and as editor of Directory will be replace by two new offers to assume each of these tasks. Two replacements will split Larry's task. For those who wondered about the swim float, its absence since the early July is for rebuilding a new float to replace the quite damaged and listing (dangerous?) wooden float that served swimmers this past dozen years.

Last week our Tuesday morning quiet was serenaded with the sound of “chipping” as the Maine Forest Service retrieved wood culled from our yards that reduce the “fuel” load for potential fires. Some two tons of chips were produced: some left for owners who wanted their use.

The history of our "dwellings" here is rich with change — pool to park, thick forest to ocean viewed through trees, and energetic couples aging. A common thread discussed at the picnic was how such lengthy residents, most having moved winter addresses several times, remain enthusiastic about their life's futures while applauding grandchildren's progress, even college graduations! Perhaps subsequent columnists will provide some insights and interpretations of such changes ...