From the editor

It is nice to see …

Wed, 05/29/2019 - 8:45am

There were a lot of positive observances as I traveled around the region this past week. Here are some you might relate to:

Leaves on the trees, and grass and flowers growing so speedily.

Sunshine and temperatures in the 70s.

Sidewalks and parking lots busy on a Saturday night.

Teens and adults playing music together in the Memorial Day parades. And a good number of veterans marching in the parades.

Our American flags flying in the breeze.

Boats in marina slips, on moorings and moving about in the harbor.

Open signs up and lights on in businesses that were locked and dark for five months or more, and some new businesses opening.

All the outdoor activities – sports, arts and crafts shows, etc. – happening around the region.

My winter coat hanging in the closet.

The many workers being employed manicuring lawns and gardens, building decks, houses and more.

Women and men pushing carriages.

Freshly painted pot buoys, lining the roadsides and ready to dot our coves and harbors.

Most of the potholes filled after a rugged winter and spring.

The beautiful white apple blossoms popping out on the branches.

Ladders braced against houses as painters scrape and put on a shiny new coat.

The return of many types of birds, singing and flying from place to place, during their daylight visits.

The extended daylight which will continue into mid-June.

People enjoying our region’s excursion boats and eating outside on restaurants’ decks.

The morning dew – though I think we have had enough rain this spring.

Kids waiting at the bus stop and not shivering or being covered from head to toe in winter gear.

And lastly, seeing our free annual supplements, Home and Landscapes and Summertime, on the newsstands, with Windjammer Days and Dining Guide soon to follow.

See. I can be positive when I want to.