letter to the editor

Thank you FISH workers

Mon, 03/25/2019 - 4:30pm

Dear Editor:

Friends in Service Helping the FISH Program: I started this program 19 ½ years ago. I want to take this opportunity to thank all the drivers and coordinators of the many drives we have done. We have lost quite a few drivers and clients over time and I have been so very thankful for everyone of you.

I’d love to also thank my wonderful coordinators that helped me with connecting the drivers with the riders. Hoping I haven’t forgotten even one: Barbara Chase, Verna Werlla, Mauve O’Connell, Judy deGraw, Liz Bridges, Nancy Adams, Alice Mutch, Lulu Schicci and our own Community Navigator, Kathleen Arabasz, for their help. To name the drivers would be too difficult here but I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

I’m very happy to have this Boothbay region program remain in this area. Thank you to the BRCRC Navigator Program for allowing this move and for getting a grant to help it continue on long after me. I do believe this move is the best for this community with opportunity to help and assistance provided.

Please support this effort and I do hope all the wonderful drivers will continue to work with the new transportation program. Breanna Davis is starting off with a bang and doing wonderfully.

The FISH phone number 633-4357 (HELP) will continue for a while or you can call 633-6272 for this service or to volunteer your help. This program cannot function without all of you. Thank you all so very much.

Susan J. Wilson