letter to the editor

Why are we going backwards?

Mon, 10/15/2018 - 7:30pm

Dear Editor:

Oct. 10 was my first Boothbay Harbor Planning Board meeting. I do not understand the irrational concerns from a couple of board members. Even more striking were assertions by some that there is “no plan” so we need an “independent planner.” A citizen reminded everyone that we had negotiated wider views (akin to taking private property) for building height yet it remains an open item. Why are we going backwards?

It’s time to stop this nonsense. Everyone cares and no one can claim who cares more or best. Paul Coulombe showed us stunning renderings of the current Cap’n Fish property and the room broke out in cheers. The concerns expressed about building heights were senseless in light of facts --- the existing, rundown office structure is 36 feet high. The street-side motel structure is 25 fee high. Yet the new proposed, gorgeous building has a street side height of 23 feet and a waterside height of 40 feet. And since the land slopes a whopping 20 feet from the street to the water, it means a net increase of 20 feet height from the street. The views from the street to the water widen from 34 feet to 92 feet. We get views where virtually none exist.

Embarrassingly, I witnessed behaviors that were not supportive of the town’s future. I saw individual bias focused on thwarting an individual for personal reasons. That’s how it looked to me, a newbie with no dog in this fight.

This town’s economy relies on tourism. Where else will we get the resources to pay for needed school and footbridge updates, broadband access, utility infrastructure? I see only one person trying to address some of these issues and he’s getting lambasted because of his personality.

Any sensible person would have given up by now. Mr. Coulombe’s tenacity is a testament to his commitment. Those who look for problems will find them. And those who look for solutions will find them. Mr. Coulombe seems to be the one in the room looking for solutions and I encourage the planning board and every citizen to join him.

Lindy Snider

East Boothbay

and Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania