Pemaquid Chapter DAR

July meeting celebrates the Constitution of the United States

Sat, 07/14/2018 - 7:15am

On Tuesday, July 10, Bonnie Wilder, a 10-year member of DAR and the Koussinoc Chapter in Maine, presented a wonderful program on the Constitution of The United States. She inspired a lot of audience participation teaching us to say, “We the People” in sign language and to sing her original song, “Constitution.” We celebrated by ringing bells and shouting “Huzzah” (an old word meaning Joy!). Associate member, Pat Viles of Corpus Christi, Texas and Wiscasset, Patricia Franz of New Jersey (who was voted in as a new associate member), Joyce Davies from Lady Knox Chapter, Beverly Robbins of Mary Dillingham, three daughters from the Brunswick Chapter — Regent Moore, Debbie Locke and Mary King — Mary Lee Merrill, Jean Hoyenski, Melba Gunnison, Louise Brown, Barbara Belknap, Clara Wentworth, Diane Randlett and Sara Fahnley rounded out the attendees. We had a wonderful time and the finger food was delicious!

Don't miss our next meeting the second Tuesday in August (Aug. 14). We will have a special program on the “History of Ice Cream.” If you are interested in American history and would like to meet a group of very nice patriotic women, all are welcome to come to our monthly meetings. For more information, contact Audrey Miller, 633-7089.