letter to the editor

What to do about Trump?

Mon, 06/25/2018 - 4:15pm

Dear Editor:

Question: What can you do with someone who is wrong about everything?

Unfortunately for us and the rest of the world, that “someone” is the president of the United States. He is:

  • Wrong about treatment of asylum seekers on our southern border;
  • Wrong about endorsing dictators in North Korea, Russia, Egypt, Turkey, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, and China – and Mussolini, Deng Xiaoping, Saddam Hussein, and Gaddafi;
  • Wrong about insulting and opposing our allies;
  • Wrong about abandoning free trade and starting a global tariff war;
  • Wrong about supporting racist individuals and organizations;
  • Wrong about denigrating our intelligence, law enforcement, and judicial agencies;
  • Wrong about supporting dirty energy, denying the reality of climate change, suppressing environmental science, and privatizing public lands;
  • Wrong about attacking and threatening our free press;
  • Wrong about flouting standards of presidential ethics that require transparency and truth-telling, and prohibit nepotism and self-enrichment;
  • And wrong about his contempt for women, the handicapped, and members of the LGBTQ+ community.

Answers: (1) Vote Blue in the November midterm elections and (2) Join Tom Steyer’s campaign, needtoimpeach.com.

Personal relationships, domestic politics, and international diplomacy are not zero-sum conflicts!

Bill Hammond
