letter to the editor

Votes count now more than ever

Tue, 10/25/2016 - 5:00pm

Dear Editor:

In my nearly 80 years I do not remember a more turbulent election season or a time when all our votes counted as much. It is incumbent that we choose wise leadership. Foremost for this state, on the local level, Wendy Wolf needs to represent us in Augusta. In the Maine senate we must give Chris Johnson the opportunity to continue his good work. I hope Emily Cain can take her place in the House of Representatives as I feel she best represents the interests of not only working people, but the environment.

At the very top, the choice for president is a no brainer. Donald Trump is a talented manipulator of public opinion and a great showman, but as presidential material he fails on every level. We cannot have a president who “flies by the seat of his pants,” makes decisions on impulse and trusts himself more than anyone else. Add to this his rude and offensive behavior (that would offend our allies), and his admiration for authoritative dictators (like Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un), whom Trump would choose to emulate if he could.

He has gone out of his way to offend women and minorities; Trump's position on Muslims threatens our national security; his assertion that Mexico has consented to his wall and will even pay for it was denied by Mexico's president. Even his much admired business expertise is contradicted by his many business failures and even bankruptcy. He has made much of his money by making himself a commodity and franchising his name. A president can't get away with lies and flim flam deals.

Clinton is his total opposite. Never before in our history have we had a more qualified candidate — a social advocate for women and children, lawyer, first lady, and former governor's wife, secretary of state and congresswoman. Those who say she's had 30 years in Washington and hasn't fixed anything should remember that she wasn't president.

Hillary is not perfect, she's made mistakes, but they're trivial beside Trump's shortcomings. Hillary Clinton wants to be your president and address the real needs of this country.

Your vote counts. Vote.

Frances Bredeau

Boothbay Harbor