From the editor

Three things

Wed, 10/23/2019 - 8:45am

I wish to offer my sympathy to Martha, Gerard and Erika Landry on the death of their beloved, David. Martha and I go back to kindergarten days and she and my wife shared pregnancy terms together – twice. David was one of a kind and I will always miss his great smile and laugh – and his comebacks in the friendly verbal barbs with my wife, Bob Paskal and others. He was proud of his French heritage and he didn't mind showing it, or speaking it. We both coached basketball at BRHS and played men's softball in the ’80s, appeared on “Bob's Bullpen” on the local cable access station together for a year or two, and, like someone mentioned, he always greeted you with a throaty “hello” (with his French accent) and that “Cheshire cat” smile. It was nice.

May you rest in peace, David. You went too soon.


I wish to thank Legion Post 36 and specifically David Patch and Fran Nicoletta, for including me as one of the recipients of their Community Awards last week. I was humbled because I feel the other two recipients, Gerry Gamage and Stephanie Hawke, do so much more for the Legion. Gerry has participated in the Post's annual Memorial Day parades as a speaker for years and he helps with the disposal of the tattered flags the Post receives. And Stephanie has been volunteering at the Post's breakfasts and barbecues for years. In addition to the nice plaque, I also received a squirrel's tail – courtesy of Fran who read my recent column on the missing squirrels!


As I write this before the first pitch of the 2019 World Series, I am going out on a limb and picking the Nationals to win the Fall Classic in six games. Washington, D.C. certainly needs something to cheer about these days!

Have a great week!