letter to the editor

Threat to habitat should prohibit expansion

Tue, 12/06/2016 - 8:45am

Dear Editor:

"Something happening next door shouldn't make you want to move," was quoted in the Register on Nov. 18. The quote pertained to the fact that Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens wants to clear land in order to expand its parking facilities to accommodate over 800 cars just 200 feet from the front door of a house on an abutting property. Under that parking area would be a 14,000 gallon per day engineered waste water system. Just the noise from car alarms locking and unlocking and buses coming and going would be distressing, but then on top of that is the threat of increased runoff which could affect a well on any property that abuts this habitat destruction.

The proposed expansion project includes over 25 acres of new developed area of which over 12 acres are new impervious area and lies within the watershed of Knickerbocker Lake and Back River. It will permanently alter over seven acres of freshwater and coastal wetlands, forested freshwater wetland and critical terrestrial habitat associated with eight significant vernal pools.

The next meeting on this issue is scheduled for Dec. 15. I am hoping that the planning board will send CMBG back to the drawing board.

Brita Nilsson
