From the assistant editor

The thoughtfulness of masks

Wed, 10/28/2020 - 9:00am

I know exactly what my favorite part of Westport Island History Center’s grand opening was last Sunday, besides everything that was and would have been wonderful anyway, especially the people who have given their time and enthusiasm to the center and the pandemics exhibit, and Wright House. The best part was, even though the ceremony was outdoors, under towering, wide-branched trees and beside the gorgeous Back River shore, and outdoors is supposed to be safer for COVID-19 prevention, everyone I saw was wearing a mask.

When you can, with possible exceptions of exercise or other reason someone might not be able to, why not wear a mask just for the added protection to all around? But then, I’m one of those people who – if they see someone in line in front of them not wearing a mask, or not wearing it over their nose, on near reflex at this point, switch to another line – if there is one.

Those moments remind me how much we should appreciate the stores and their staff for continuing in the pandemic, doing what they can to keep people able to buy what they need, and those same businesses are trying their best to stay safe and keep us safe while they’re doing it.

If you can wear a mask and you do, even at an outside event, thank you.