From the editor

Take joy in 2021

Wed, 12/30/2020 - 8:45am

Although we will never forget 2020 and what transpired, we can all try to make 2021 a better year for ourselves and everyone we know.

First, and most important of all, keep wearing masks in public, wash your hands after being away from home, and keep practicing social distancing in public settings.

Second, to avoid losing hope due to the pandemic, take joy in everything around you. Enjoy the little things in life – stay in touch more often with your loved ones and friends, get outside to explore Maine’s natural habitats, take up a new hobby, write about the positive things in your life, read the things you like to read about, and more.

Make 2021 the year that your journey will not be filled with fear and misery. Do things for others. Do things to keep yourself happy and healthful. Live your life to the fullest.

I am not saying that the coronavirus should be forgotten. It is still going to be with us for who knows how long, due to the new strains, the slow process of getting vaccines done and the constant spreading of the virus.

Take nothing for granted as the invisible enemy can strike anyone at any time. That’s why we need to enjoy what we have and, as we roll into the new year, it’s a good time to start.

Happy 2021, everyone.