Mary’s Musings

Spring has sprung!

Wed, 04/19/2017 - 7:00am

Mother Nature still has time to throw us a curve and drop some more snow on us before summer, but she can’t deny that signs of spring are everywhere, including  frequent showers.

Locally, new shops are opening while others prepare to reopen. Some are making major changes in addition to their usual paint-up, fix-up.

Colorful crocuses are decorating lawns as well as some tulips. At Hannaford and area greenhouses, the shelves are filled with spring flowers as well as gardening needs to get ready for planting. Some of the trees and bushes are beginning to show their first buds, knowing that it’s nearly time to get ready for their usual Memorial Day display, and the grass is turning from brown to green.

Everywhere you look, folks are shoveling, raking and sweeping away the winter’s sand, gravel and dead leaves.

More and more convertible owners have their tops down, while motorcyclists and bikers are seen more frequently, as are walkers and joggers.

On a trip out of town on Saturday to attend a sports event, we saw newborn baby lambs snuggled close to their mothers, enjoying the warm temperatures and the heat from the sun.

A sign at the end of a driveway told us that they had homemade maple syrup for sale.

Road crews have started projects which have been awaiting favorable weather.

Streams are running fast, and Maine rivers have threatened some communities as the ice melts.

All of the winter smelt shanties are resting comfortably onshore, awaiting next winter’s ice and dedicated fishermen are turning their attention to open water fishing. We noticed the local bait shed had its doors open this past week, ready to outfit would-be anglers. Some of the state’s golf courses are open, or will be soon.

It’s almost time for the spring turkey hunt, and there appear to be plenty of them in our corner of the state.

After staying hidden for most of the winter, deer are being spotted in fields alongside the road, and are darting across the road in front of surprised motorists. We’ve been told a moose has been wandering here on our own peninsula.

Lobstermen are repairing traps and getting them ready to set, as well as getting their boats in tip-top shape for the season ahead.

At area boat yards, as well as in driveways and lawns, pleasure boats are being uncovered in anticipation of enjoyable days afloat.

Most of our cottage owners are anxiously awaiting their summer water service so they can ready their properties and get back to the place they love so much.  

Deck chairs, folded up or stored away, are being returned to their rightful place waiting to be filled with warm bodies anxious to sunbathe or socialize with friends, relatives and neighbors.

In our school system, spring sports practices are getting underway and the playing fields are being cleaned up.

Some folks have their hoses hooked up, optimistic that we’ll have no more freezing weather, and they’re ready to begin washing their cars in earnest.  They’ve put away their window scrapers as well as the snow-blowers and shovels.

Packed away, too, is winter sports gear and clothing (except for those still taking advantage of the snow in our mountains). The free Clothes Closet has announced it’s no longer accepting winter clothes.

Many of the spring birds have arrived, and we’ve spotted a couple of cardinals. An osprey was circling a tall tree yesterday, possibly looking for a site for a nest.           

Yes, there are a million signs that spring is just around the corner. We can’t wait!