letter to the editor

Spectrum committed to Southport

Mon, 06/13/2022 - 4:15pm

    Dear Editor:

    Spectrum has long been committed to increasing connectivity across the state by addressing broadband access, adoption, and affordability barriers. In fact, in 2021 alone, Spectrum’s high-speed internet service was extended to reach an additional 14,000 new homes and small businesses in Maine, many in small towns and rural areas just like Southport. Every year we make significant private investments in our network technology and infrastructure, including efforts that have made gigabit-speed internet service available to every home and business in our service area.

    Southport is no exception to Spectrum’s commitment to quality and service. Because we understand that several families in Southport remain without access to broadband, Spectrum is willing to invest to help ensure those residents are not left behind.

    Pursuing a municipal network will cost taxpayers millions of dollars, incur debt and ultimately put the town’s financial footing at risk. Partnering with our company instead will result in connecting the remaining unserved homes without any contribution of Southport’s public funds.

    Spectrum is focused on delivering fast, reliable service across Maine. Our company wants to help every family in Southport gain access to the educational and economic benefits that broadband brings. The vast majority of Southport residents already have access to gigabit-speed internet service and through this commitment we can ensure that residents get the access they need and that the Town doesn’t incur debt or divert its resources from so many other priorities.

    Melinda Kinney
