Southport United Methodist Church annual Take-out Lobster Roll Luncheon & Craft Fair

Sun, 06/25/2023 - 8:45am

    Marking their 50th anniversary as a group, the Southport United Methodist Women are once again holding their annual Lobster Roll Take-out Luncheon at the cost of $25. The lunch consists of a lobster roll, a bag of chips, a homemade cupcake, and a bottle of water. A limited number of lunches will be available, so order soon. Pre-order your lunch and then, on July 19, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., you can pay for (checks payable to SUMW) and pick up your annual Lobster Roll boxed lunch at the Southport Town Hall. Lobster Roll lunches must be pre-ordered between July 1 and July 15 by calling UMW members: Elaine cell # 1-360-301-6715 or Deb 633-5144.

    Come by early for some Christmas shopping at the Maine Made Craft Fair, also at the Southport Town Hall, which runs from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Plenty of parking available. Once again, a modified pre-order version of our popular Cookie Walk will also be found at the Town Hall. Pre-ordered cookie orders pick up and additional prepackaged home baked, cookies for sale will be at the Southport Town Hall from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. You can once again get a selection of cookies that in previous years would have fit in a coffee can for $5 or a double size for $10. Choose your own cookies order forms will be available for pick up and drop off on the Southport Methodist Church porch from July 1 to July 15 or online at

    The present day Southport United Methodist Women formed in 1967, yet it is an evolution which began on Nov. 23, 1899 with the formation of the first Southport women’s church group known as “The Union Club.” Two weeks later another women’s group formed, the “Ladies Aid Society.” The two were very cooperative, not competitive, and joined forces to purchase a new organ in 1901. In 1940, the Women’s Society of Christian Service came into being and over the years, all three groups blended and became the present day UMW in 1967.

    Thank you for your continued participation in this annual event which enables the Southport United Methodist Women to continue their outreach work throughout the year. Our outreach work includes local, national, and international works. Our annual Mother’s and Father’s Days recognition benefits the Church World Service. Our Lobster Roll Luncheo and Cookie Sale, along with the new Maine Made Craft Fair table rentals benefit local agencies such as Rebuilding Together, Set for Success, Camp Mechuwana, Lincoln County’s New Hope, the Food Pantry, and Community Fridge.