Southport Column: Winter Carnival and SIA Ice Breaker

Thu, 03/05/2015 - 1:00pm

If we are lucky enough to have clear skies Thursday, March 5, look for the full moon. Reflected on the snow this light and resulting shadows should be very special.

Although only one article on the annual town meeting agenda elicited much discussion last Monday evening, March 2, I always feel very privileged to attend and participate in this purest, at least in my experience, model of democracy.

Ryan Leighton has written about the meeting elsewhere in this paper, but let’s all thank those people, both paid and volunteer, who keep abreast of the state and federal requirements and the needs of our town so that, in so far as possible, all runs smoothly. And thanks as well to all those who attend the meeting, showing interest in the articles that come before us.

Our road crew merited a special round of applause at town meeting for their hard work to keep our roads plowed and sanded during this intense winter, which is not over yet. Matt Cole deserved thanks and applause for keeping us all on track during his first stint as moderator, and Kit Sherrill received applause and a standing salute for his prior years behind the moderator’s podium.

A list of calendar items follows, the first being the Southport Central School’s Winter Carnival this Saturday, March 7, beginning at 5 p.m. at the Southport Town Hall. The fifth and sixth grade children and their parents work in a variety of ways to raise money for a special trip in the spring. This event begins with a soup and chowder supper after which, about 6:30 p.m., the raffle and auction will begin. You are asked to contribute $8 per adult, $5 per child or $25 for a family of four or more; 50/50 raffle tickets will also be sold for $1 per ticket or $5 for 20 tickets. When we can attend this event, we always have great fun watching the children be so responsible in their duties, and we always come home with some very useful items.

The next Southport Island Association (SIA) event will be the Ice Breaker at the Southport Town Hall on Saturday, March 14, from 5 until 7 p.m. This fun time of food, drink, and conversation is always a good way to shake off what we hope by that time will be the mud season blues, but probably will still be snow shoveling blues.

A little further on in the month, on March 22, from 1 until 3 p.m. we have the opportunity to gather at the Boothbay YMCA to join with Dr. Edgar T. Gibson, a Newagen resident, and his family to celebrate Ed’s 100th birthday, which is March 23. Perhaps, at this Open House event, Ed will share with us his secret to a long and productive life. I know one piece of the secret is keeping active and involved as Ed played tennis for many years and was a frequent user of the Y in a variety of ways.

We send thanks to Allan Strouss who helped Kathy Barter install a new router at the Southport Memorial Library. Kathy had worked on the phone with David from the State Library System, but Allan had the necessary height and willingness to give of his time to physically get the equipment in place and working.

In other library news, we learned that Molly Thibault is happy with her peers at the Coastal Studies for Girls in Freeport and loves all she is doing there. This semester for 10th grade girls consists of the 15 girls being “immersed in a powerful combination of science and leadership education, inspiring girls and women to create joyful lives, vibrant communities, and a more connected world,” according to its website.

The Island Store is operating on shorter hours until Tuesday, March 10. Monday through Friday they are open from 7 a.m. until 4 p.m. On Saturday they are open from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m. and on Sunday from 8 a.m. until 1 p.m. Plan accordingly.