Southport Column: Snow, All Saints service and more

Wed, 12/27/2017 - 10:30am

Happy New Year!

Southport Island sparkles with sun on snow today and eventually did so late on Christmas Day, after blizzard conditions for most of the daylight hours. Our son-in-law, in a pickup truck, drove us to Nobleboro for a late breakfast and Santa time with our younger son’s family. On the trip back we experienced the worst whiteout conditions I have even seen. Later in the day the same son’s family traveled to Southport for more Santa time, but by then at least visibility was better. Many thanks to the road crews and drivers of plows who allowed us to reach family and to fulfill other traveling obligations.

Reports from family and friends concerning Kathy Barter are encouraging today. She is responding to stimuli, and scans have ruled out any brain damage from the encephalitis that felled her several weeks ago. Pneumonia is still a problem, so please keep Kathy in your thoughts and prayers.

A goodly crowd braved snow and ice to attend the 10 p.m. Christmas Eve service at All Saints by-the-Sea. Focusing on the shepherds in the field who were “sore afraid” when the star appeared and an angel spoke to them, the Reverend Kit Sherrill noted that at least some, probably the younger, more adventurous ones, trusted the words and followed the star to the manager scene. So, too, we need to sort out when to trust the words spoken telling us not to be afraid, and when to know that fear is the reasonable response to some situations.

Many thanks to Al Moses and Leal and Will Brinegar who worked to hard to bring to heat into the building, to clear the parking lot and path, and to decorate both the altar and the approach to the chapel.

Forms are now available in the town office for those of us who voluntarily want to register to be checked on during extreme emergencies. After the wind storm that caused power outages for up to five days, our selectmen, along with the emergency planning folks, decided to try this method of ensuring that all who might need help and are willing to ask for it will be known to those who have vehicles and other ways to be helpful.