Ocean Point Column: Thanksgiving on the Point

Mon, 11/20/2017 - 7:30am

How quickly the fall season has passed, Thanksgiving is suddenly upon us, a time for family and friends to gather. Liz Colten writes that many of the Dunn Colten Family will be together for Thanksgiving at Ocean Point and I know many others will celebrate at the Point as well.

John and Jean Webster plan on opening Orne’s Candy from December 17 through New Year’s Eve while the Festival of Lights is in progress. If you have not had the opportunity to visit the Festival of Lights and in particular, the Gardens Aglow, it is well worth a visit!

Dianne Eakins and her twin brother Denny recently celebrated a milestone birthday in Bluffton, South Carolina with many family members in attendance. Dianne was excited to have the opportunity to reunite with family members; they all had a wonderful time. Happy birthday Dianne and Denny.

Thank you to Rusty Court for posting some great pictures on the website, a wonderful way to revisit the Point if you can’t physically be there.

Happy Thanksgiving and travel safe for the holiday.