Ocean Point Column: Skiing and an engagement

Thu, 01/29/2015 - 9:15am

After many relatively mild January days, winter is back with a vengeance. Julie Brown sent pictures of the most recent storm to blanket the Point and they are beautiful. Please view them on the blog. We are gearing up for a powerful storm which is supposed to hit the New England coastline Tuesday, Jan. 27.

John Webster is proud to report that he was skiing at Sunday River recently and his new hip is functioning just fine. Many Ocean Pointers have recently undergone either hip or knee replacement surgery in the last few months; glad to know that everyone’s recuperation is going well.

There is exciting news to report from the Fischer family; congratulations to Annie Fischer and Matt Berg who have recently become engaged.

Both Annie and Matt are Bates College graduates, and Matt has, of course, visited Ocean Point on many occasions.

Joan is so very pleased to welcome Matt into the Ocean Point family.