Lyme Time

Fri, 03/24/2017 - 2:15pm

As a survivor of late stage neurological Lyme Disease and four tick-borne co-infections and the president of Midcoast Lyme Disease Support & Education (MLDSE), I am thrilled to be working with the Boothbay Register and Wiscasset Newspaper to bring you information on prevention of Lyme and tick-borne diseases.

Since the Maine CDC began collecting surveillance data in 2001, the number of new cases of Lyme has continued to grow across Midcoast Maine, with emphasis on Lincoln County. Now, we are seeing the rise in other tick-borne diseases, Anaplasmosis and Babesia. As a member of Maine’s CDC Vector-borne Workgroup, I am in contact with those who are addressing these issues at a state level. And we agree that with so much reporting of Lyme and tick-borne diseases on the rise here in Maine and ticks carrying multiple diseases, that more needs to be done and that we focus our attention more on education and prevention.

What can we do?

May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month here in Maine and you will be seeing a lot of public events being advertised. I would encourage you to attend what you can, ask questions and educate yourself more.

My organization travels year round throughout Midcoast Maine hosting awareness and educational events and giving prevention talks. We talk to children at schools, seniors at Community Centers, we have spoken at staff meetings and held Lunch ‘n Learns. Our talks are always age appropriate. We talk about the need for a layering effect of prevention ~ skin and clothing, yards and homes as well as prevention for your pets. We share safety issues as well as environmentally friendly concerns. This information (shared from the experts in those areas) can be on our website.

Because most people do not recall a tick bite, how long the tick was attached or even what type of tick it was, the need for prevention must be made a priority in order to reverse the growing numbers of new cases. So every week, I will bring you information on prevention options so to enjoy the outdoor life in Maine as it was meant to be.

If you would like to ask me a question, please feel to email me and for more information about Lyme and tick-borne disease and my organization, please visit our website,