Letter to the Editor

Halt funding to Planned Parenthood

Sun, 08/02/2015 - 9:45am

Dear Editor:

It has long been suspected that the multi-billion-dollar abortion industry, notoriously led by Planned Parenthood, engages in illicit trafficking of aborted babies' body parts. This was confirmed this week, with the release of four videos showing Planned Parenthood abortionists casually discussing and making arrangements for the sale of aborted babies' organs as if they were mere commodities.

On Thursday, the Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains' vice president and medical director, Dr. Savita Ginde, was shown on videotape negotiating a deal for the sale of unborn babies' body parts. This follows videos released earlier in the week showing similar outrages. In the first video, Planned Parenthood senior director of medical services, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, describes how Planned Parenthood sells the body parts of aborted children and how she relies on the partial birth abortion procedure to guarantee intact body parts. The second video shows Planned Parenthood doctor Maru Gatter telling a biotech company that prices for the babies' heads, hearts, and liver are negotiable.

How can this be happening in America? Have we lost all sense of justice for the innocent and most vulnerable among us?

What we are talking about is an innocent, defenseless human baby. It is horrifying enough that unborn children are poisoned or ripped to pieces in their own mothers' wombs. It is even worse that their remains are being sold so callously and in defiance of our nation's laws.

I can only hope that enough Maine citizens of good faith and decency will contact our members of Congress, particularly Senator Susan Collins, and urge her to vote "yes" on Monday on the bill to halt all federal funding to Planned Parenthood and to hold Congressional hearings to learn the extent of this barbaric activity and how it can be stopped.

Jennifer Lynch
