Gould Academy student from Boothbay helping to raise funds for skiers
Alana LaCourse of Boothbay, a sophomore attending Gould Academy in Bethel, a Maine U16 Alpine Ski racer, and a skier since she was 2 years old, has started a fundraising campaign to help young skiers get the safety equipment they need in order to compete.
In an article written for the Maine Sports Commission, Alana explains how she came to starting the nonprofit, called GIVE O.N.E. which stands for GIVE Opportunities through New Equipment. When Alana was 12 and competing in the Maine Junior Ski League, she saw a girl who showed up to compete but lacked most of the safety equipment necessary to be competitive.
“Throughout the season I saw her at other races and despite her lack of gear she kept showing up. This really made a huge impact on me. As I continued to attend races that winter I observed other kids who also didn’t have the necessary safety equipment,” Alana writes in the article.
Competitive programs require lots of costly equipment including a helmet with chin bar, shin and arm guards, a race suit with padding, a back protector, race boots, two types of poles and three styles of skis.
With the help of her parents and others, as well as the Ribbon Company and Fiscal Sponsorship Allies*, she started the GIVE O.N.E. nonprofit this year. This nonprofit is for Alpine Ski Racers only that are involved in the Maine Jr. Ski League. Alana is the youngest Alpine Ski Racer in the United States to start this type of nonprofit.
As Alana wrote in the article, “This is a program where Maine Junior Ski League ALPINE participants in 6th-8th grade can apply for a scholarship to purchase much needed skis and safety equipment to be used for their upcoming race season. This fall my goal is to raise enough funds to give at least two scholarships out. Next year with a little more momentum and funds, my goal is to raise enough money for five scholarships and by the time I’m a senior I would like to raise enough for ten scholarships. When I enter college, my hope is this nonprofit will grow to help even more kids be able to participate in this sport despite the challenges of the high cost of equipment.”
If you would like to help Alana reach her goal by donating to GIVE O.N.E. please go to https://app.ribbon.giving/links/1hSn0G or the GIVE Opportunities through New Equipment Facebook page for more information. If you meet the criteria as a Maine Junior Ski League athlete or you are a coach of one of these athletes please email Alana at giveo.n.e.program@gmail.com.
* Give O.N.E. is fiscally sponsored by Fiscal Sponsorship Allies, a 501(c)(3) public charity.