letter to the editor

Fitness class, Turkey Trot at the Y

Tue, 11/21/2017 - 11:30am

Dear Editor:

Reminding everyone about Boothbay Region YMCA’s Turkey Trot and Fitness Class before the Trot ... this Thanksgiving morning!

While the Y is closed that day, please join us at the Y at 9 a.m. for our annual 5K fun walk/run/trot from the Y into town and back, and/or come at 8 a.m. for a great fitness class in the Y gym with the Y's awesome instructor team, featuring a little warm-up, aerobics, Zumba, stretching and cool-down.

Bring your friends and family, do the class, the walk/jog or both. Please consider a $20 suggested donation – 100 percent donated to our local foot pantry. Last year we raised over $1,300 for the food pantry. Let's do even more this year -- and be healthy together this Thanksgiving.

Abby Jones

Healthy Living Director

Boothbay Region YMCA