Down East Yacht Club

A change of venue was just what the Commodore ordered! The familiar setting at Tugboat Inn was the perfect location for the traditionally well- attended annual DEYC meeting. As is normal for the authors of this accounting of the event, we drove into the jam-packed parking lot two minutes before the scheduled start of the lunch to find the lot already overcrowded. As luck would have it, there was one available “Handicapped Space” located at the rear entrance to the restaurant! It was going to be a great day!
We entered the bustling foyer to find a full house! After checking in, we located two seats at the rear of the restaurant, then we joined the many ongoing conversations. It was indeed our lucky day! Commodore, Brent Pope rang the bell and asked everyone to be seated.
After some appropriate announcements, the Commodore announced the order of serving would begin at the back of the dining room! Can you believe our luck? Some members were ecstatic, while others amiably yielded to the situation. We were presented with a large smorgasbord of breakfast choices at the buffet tables. During lunch we enjoyed chatting with new members who were seated across the table and many members of long standing seated around us.
After lunch, Commodore Brent Pope made several DEYC summer event announcements. He then introduced our new Fleet Captain, Ed Gillis and presented him with our traditional Captain’s hat. Captain Ed informed the audience of the 2023 schedule of the annual summer DEYC Cruise. Conversation and questions from the audience about the cruise indicated a large interest from the Commodore Brunch attendees. Ed announced the number of boats already signed up and announced the “Ports of Call” and the Port’s hosts. He added several remarks before wishing all a wonderful Cruise!
Commodore Brent Pope asked the 2023 DEYC Bridge and the large number of P/C’s to come down front for a picture. He then adjourned the meeting with the ringing of “the Bell!”
Next up is the “Launch Party” to begin our boating season. The Party will be held at Frank Luke’s Boatyard in East Boothbay, hosted by Commodore Brent and Susan Pope on June 10! Hope to see many members there!