Discontinue fluoride
Dear Editor:
We are strongly in favor of discontinuing the 18-year-old practice of adding fluoride to our drinking water for the following reasons:
-While commonly available topical forms of fluoride are proven to be effective in reducing cavities, the risks of ingesting it in our water outweigh the benefits.
-High levels of fluoride have been linked to the fluorosis (mottling, staining, and pitting) now found in 41% of American kids aged 12-15, as well as weakened skeletons and increased bone fractures, bony growths, joint calcification, and kidney damage.
-Fluoride levels accrue cumulatively in our bodies throughout our lives.
-Human epidemiological studies have shown possible links between high levels of fluoride and learning, memory, and cognition deficits, including ADHD.
-Fluoride is still listed by the FDA as an “unapproved new drug.”
-97% of the European population does not have fluoridated water, yet their rates of dental caries parallel ours.
-Our fluoride is imported from China. As with any imported additive, there always lies the risk of contamination with toxic chemicals, like arsenic. China itself discontinued fluoridation of its water due to negative health impacts in the 1980s.
We hope to see this important public health issue be put out for a vote on our towns’ May ballots. Thank you.
Eve Jamieson, Boothbay
Cindy Goodwin, Boothbay
Lorri Davis-Higgins, Boothbay
Mary Jo Poitras, Boothbay
Julie Barter, Boothbay
Denica Dimitrova, East Boothbay
Desiree Scorcia, Boothbay
Trish Hickey Monroe, Boothbay
Trevor Morin, Boothbay
Rachel Higgins, Boothbay
Pat Higgins, Boothbay
Amanda Andrews, Boothbay
Lorraine Melanson, Boothbay
Heather Lee Casey, Boothbay
Julie Roberts, Boothbay
Adam Sproul, Boothbay
Jamie Reed Smith, Boothbay
Clarence L. Campbell III, Boothbay
Rachael Townsend, Boothbay Harbor