letter to the editor

Childish response

Mon, 03/19/2018 - 4:00pm

Dear Editor:

How disappointing the article and the letter to the editor about the select board’s childish response to Ms. Ford's   letter to the editor about running for elections in the town. It seems to me that the male members got together to chastise the only woman on the board even after she made an apology for her error in citing that the board did not advertise the time frame for taking out papers to run for election. 

There was obviously a lack of communication and misunderstanding and  if I may have a bit of fun here, a “Mars vs. Venus” dynamic, creating a sanctimonious and childish response by the male members of the board. 

Also, the use of questionable language with the contempt it shows to a fellow board member is totally  unacceptable. I personally liked her informative letter and and see no reason why she shouldn't have written it (with the exception of the error).  Maybe the board needs to have a workshop on conflict resolution, to understand differences in style so that conditioned reflexive actions do not take place and that power struggles do not occur. I would also like to know why Boothbay has a much shorter time to submit papers than all the other towns on the peninsula.

Ms. Ford, with her educational and professional background in urban planning, is a true asset on the board, especially with so much development happening in our town and serious issues to address. Petty disagreements should be handled in a more mature manner.

I would like the men on the board to think on this quote from feminist philosopher and ethicist Drucilla Corhill, “To the misogynist, the most terrifying thing imaginable is a woman with power, her own voice...”

Bonnie Ginger
