
Change is our future

Mon, 04/23/2018 - 4:00pm

Dear Editor:

Our affect on this issue while have a definite effect on us all!

Get the facts, read the facts, and enact on the facts. It is time to stop the name calling and to take the personalities out of this discussion. It is time to listen to those that are providing valuable, intelligent and correct information. Stop listing to rumors and those that are emotionally spreading misinformation. The East side is only a part, a very important part, of this equation. The future is at stake.

#1. Do we improve, repair, beautify the waterfront of our picturesque village? Do we encourage tourism, business beautification, fishing prospects and accessibility to the beauty that surrounds us?

#2. Do we let the piers, the shorefront properties, the streets and sidewalks fall into disrepair because of old, out-dated codes? Do we discourage any change or investment in the future? Many small towns have done just this, nothing, and the end result has been tragic.

Think about it! Read about it! Understand the facts that are being presented by intelligent, hard-working people. Our 10-mile driveway from Route 1 can be a driveway to an exciting village filled with possibilities or a town that refused to look to the future. It is up to you! It is up to everyone of us.

Change is tough, change is progress, change is our future.

Affect: adopt, alter, change, influence. Effect: achieve, realize, result.

Laura S. Honey

Boothbay Harbor