BRES students are ‘Set for Success’

Surprise pop-in visit from Gov. Janet Mills
Fri, 09/01/2023 - 2:30pm

    Community Resource Council (CRC) hosted its beloved annual Set for Success event Thursday, Aug. 31, at Boothbay Region Elementary School (BRES). Excited students rushed to their friends, talked about their summer breaks, met their teachers and got stocked up on all their necessary school supplies. A surprise appearance by Gov. Janet Mills provided photo ops in the school’s entryway.

    Outside, the bouncy house entertained younger students and Principal Shawna Kurr manned the grill, feeding burgers and hot dogs to hundreds of students and parents.

    “Kids are off to a great start to the school year, and no one is left out due to financial barriers,” said CRC’s Peter Gardner. In all, CRC estimates about 300 students took part in the event.

    The format was different from preceding years. Hosted at the school instead of the YMCA, families gathered in the gymnasium to collect accessory swag, get information on sports, clubs and organizations, parent-teacher groups, the library, churches, and civic volunteer opportunities, and to enter raffles. Students and families then went to their classrooms, open-house style, to meet their teachers and receive school supplies in their homerooms. They also found their lockers, pre-labeled with each student’s name.

    Due to ongoing construction, Pre-K through second grade had to meet on the lawn in front of their classrooms. Prior email communication from BRES assures parents that the Pre-second grade classrooms would be ready to welcome students by Tuesday, Sept. 5, the start of school.

    Like last year, no haircuts were offered at this year’s event.

    Pre-K families were invited to Boothbay Fire Department before the event for a bus ride to help the youngest school attendees get familiar with riding a bus. Pre-K students also received free lunchboxes with their backpacks. Free backpacks were available to Pre-K, second, fourth and seventh graders.

    Pre-K teachers Jessica Murray and Kate Rice spoke of meeting BRES’s youngest and newest students. “Some are shy but once they meet us and we talk about what we’ll be doing, they get excited,” said Rice.

    Katrina Dunsmore and Michele Barter said the PTO is open to more than just parents. Grandparents, teachers, staff, students and community members are welcome to join. They are holding their first meeting Sept. 14 from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at Ice Cream Hut/Dolphin Mini Golf; the Fall Book Fair will be Oct. 2-6.

    “This event is another example of what makes the region so special. All these community partners coming together to ensure our kids are ‘Set for Success,’” said Superintendent Robert Kahler.